Friday, February 19, 2010

"The Turtle" Story

 A turtle family decided to go on a picnic. The turtles, being  naturally slow about things, took seven years to prepare for their  outing. Finally the turtle family left home looking for a suitable  place. During the second year of their journey they found a place ideal for them at last! 
For about six months they cleaned the area, unpacked the picnic  basket, and completed the arrangements. Then they discovered they had  forgotten the salt. A picnic without salt would be a disaster, they  all agreed. After a lengthy discussion, the youngest turtle was chosen  to retrieve the salt from home. Although he was the fastest of the  slow moving turtles, the little turtle whined, cried, and wobbled in  his shell. He agreed to go on one condition: that no one would eat   until he returned. The family consented and the little turtle left. 
 Three years passed and the little turtle had not returned. Five  years...six years... then on the seventh year of his absence, the  oldest turtle could no longer contain his hunger. He announced that he  was going to eat and begun to unwrap a sandwich. At that point the little turtle suddenly popped out from behind a tree  shouting, 'See! I knew you wouldn't wait. Now I am not going to go get the salt.' 
 [Some of us waste our time waiting for people to live up to our expectations. We are so concerned about what others are doing that we do not do anything ourselves.]

"Pretty Lady" Story...

Once upon a time a big monk and a little monk were traveling together. They came to the bank of a river and found the bridge was damaged. They had to wade across the river. There was a pretty lady who was stuck at the damaged bridge and couldn't cross the river. The big monk offered to carry her across the river on his back. The lady accepted. The little monk was shocked by the move of the big monk. 'How can big brother carry a lady when we are supposed to avoid all intimacy with females?' thought the little monk. But he kept  quiet... The big monk carried the lady across the river and the small monk followed unhappily. When they crossed the river, the big monk let the lady down and they parted ways with her. All along the way for several miles, the little monk was very unhappy with the act of the big monk. He was making up all kinds of accusations about big monk in his head. This got him madder and madder. But he still kept quiet. And the big monk had no inclination to explain his situation. Finally, at a rest point many hours later, the little monk could not stand it any further, he burst out angrily at the big monk. 'How can you claim yourself a devout monk, when you seize the first opportunity to touch a female, especially when she is very pretty? All your teachings to me make you a big hypocrite The big monk looked surprised and said, 'I had put down the pretty lady at the river bank many hours ago, how come you are still carrying her along?' 
 [This very old Chinese Zen story reflects the thinking of many people today. We encounter many unpleasant things in our life, they irritate us and they make us angry. Sometimes, they cause us a lot of hurt, sometimes they cause us to be bitter or jealous .. But like the little monk, we are not willing to let them go away.We keep on carrying the baggage of the 'pretty lady' with us. We let them keep on coming back to hurt us, make us angry, make us bitter and cause us a lot of agony.  Why? Simply because we are not willing to put down or let go of the baggage of the 'pretty lady'. We should let go of the pretty lady immediately after crossing the river. This will immediately remove all our agonies. There is no need to be further hurt by the unpleasant event after it is over.] 

Frog Story

 A farmer came into town and asked the owner of a restaurant if he  could use a million frog legs. The restaurant owner was shocked and asked the man where he could get so many frog legs! The farmer replied, 'There is a pond near my house that is full of frogs - millions of them. They all croak all night long and they are about to make me crazy!' So the restaurant owner and the farmer made an agreement that the farmer would deliver frogs to the restaurant, five hundred at a time for the next several weeks.  
 The first week, the farmer returned to the restaurant looking rather sheepish, with two scrawny little frogs. The restaurant owner said, 'Well... where are all the frogs?' The farmer said, 'I was mistaken. There were only these two frogs in the pond. But they sure were making a lot of noise!' 
 [ Next time you hear somebody criticizing or making fun of you,  remember, it's probably just a couple of noisy frogs. Also remember that problems always seem bigger in the dark. Have you ever laid in your bed at night worrying about things which seem almost overwhelming like a million frogs croaking? Chances are pretty good that when the
 morning comes, and you take a closer look, you'll wonder what all the fuss was about.] 

Thursday, February 11, 2010

True Friendship-My Gift to my Best Friend on one friendship day...


This a story of true friendship, and its the story of me and my best friend, No prize for guessing

Here comes the STORY...

Long back there was an old BICYCLE, which always wanted to look new, better and improved. But because of improper treatment in the past it was very raw and the signs of improvement were hardly expected. The BICYCLE traveled long distances to search his identity, to improve himself, and to be known to more and more people for his positives. He did few right things, few wrong things and always was going a step further. He went to mechanics, he went to see how other BICYCLEs are maintaining themselves and was improving every single day, till he reached a glass sealing level.

Then one day the BICYCLE realized that the only way to get noticed is to participate and win RACE, The rat race. To win the rat race, he had to beat the cat (cat mane billli, no CAT-common admission test). So he orked hard and someday our Mr. BICYCLE was able to beat the cat and take part in the Race.


The race begins; there are cars, bikes, scooters, mopeds, latest BICYCLEs....

They all moved ahead, our old BICYCLE was lagging behind seeing here and there, how will he win the Race then? He does not have the right ingredients to win and compete against the big cars and bikes. What will happen to his dream then? Who will help him? He was confused and was unsure of his next step. He lost control and fell inside Mud. He was dirty, and tried to clear himself without asking anyone else for help. But he was not sure, if the backside was clear. He saw a MERCEDES near by and asked her, "Hey, is there any mud at my backside?" The reply was, "Don’t you know how to talk? Is this the question a BICYCLE asks a Car?"

BICYCLE felt bad, as he did not know the fault for which he is not being accepted in this group. Next day the race began again, and BICYCLE lost it again. Third day, fourth day race after race he participated, lost and was demoralized. He was still the same honest, innocent, loyal BICYCLE but he suddenly realized that despite losing so many races he has been significantly improving his speed. He was happy. He wanted to race again; He participated, lost but was improving.

Suddenly one day he saw a Ladies Cycle, who was very sad and was standing lonely at a corner on the race track. BICYCLE offered her lift, she joined, and they raced happily in each others company. There was a meaning attached to it. They both liked it. One day while racing suddenly the lady jumped from the BICYCLE and joined a Car. The lady wanted to move ahead and win the race; the BICYCLE was used and thrown, His heart broken. Unable to adjust to the imbalance caused by the accident the BICYCLE fell on the road. Mopeds crushed him, scooters crushed him, bikes crushed him, and cars crushed him. The meaning was lost. He was crying alone, silently, without any noise, when the MERCEDES stopped and asked him, "What’s wrong? Why are you upset? Can I help you?"

The first step of friendship, positive interaction.

BICYCLE told MERCEDES his story, the story of struggle, the story of loses, the story of being ditched, the story of wanting to win the race. Most people either laughed at the stories, or found it very boring, but MERCEDES listened the entire stuff patiently and her attitude said that one day she will find a solution to BICYCLE's problems.

The second step of friendship, listening and providing solution rather than sympathizing.

Slowly BICYCLE and MERCEDES became friends. Sometimes MERCEDES will take BICYCLE along with her to race tracks and teach him various techniques. Sometimes when BICYCLE is down, MERCEDES will motivate him. If BICYCLE wins a small race MERCEDES will congratulate him and will further motivate him. In the company of MERCEDES, BICYCLE improved rapidly. But still a BICYCLE has its own limitations, what ever happens it can’t compete against those with engines. It was really difficult, but he never lost hope.

So far the story seems dominated by the BICYCLE. But the story was about the friendship of MERCEDES and BICYCLE. Then why BICYCLE is dominating the story? Why not MERCEDES?

That’s what the MERCEDES was!!! So important yet never dominating. She would quietly wait for an ordinary BICYCLE, to give him a lift, so that BICYCLE can understand what speed of a Car is, and prepare himself for the larger Race ahead. MERCEDES will teach BICYCLE at the time of practice tests, so that BICYCLE would not fail the tests. MERCEDES will be there for support when BICYCLE is down. MERCEDES will be there at the time race alongside BICYCLE, so that the BICYCLE does not feel lonely. But MERCEDES with an engine should be far ahead. How come she is driving at the speed of a BICYCLE? She sacrificed her chances to win the practice race by slowing down the speed, so that her friend is not lonely.

The third step of friendship, Sacrifice.

BICYCLE was slowly accepted in groups, because it had the company of someone as special and dignified as the MERCEDES around. The speed of the BICYCLE has dramatically improved. It was ready to take on anything. The final Race was coming closer. Everyone was preparing very well. BICYCLE was exited and nervous, MERCEDES knew it. And MERCEDES also knew with a BICYCLE it’s difficult to beat the bikes and cars in the real RACE. MERCEDES did not want her friend to lose. But what can she do? The race is very important; it defines the rest of life for BICYCLE. But what can the MERCEDES do? Mere motivation is not enough to win the race. So what to do?

MERCEDES thought, thought and thought. She also had a race for herself lined up. Two days after BICYCLE's race. There she had an idea; she decided to give her ENGINE to BICYCLE for the race day, so that BICYCLE can win. If BICYCLE would damage the engine, it will affect the chances of MERCEDES for her race too. But still MERCEDES gave it to him. BICYCLE took the engine, participated and won his race...

MERCEDES did managed to win her race also, and in the process she uplifted her friend BICYCLE from one level to another.

The fourth step of friendship, Uplift.

They were very happy...

Seasons changed, reasons changed but the friendship never changed, because it was not for a reason or season but for lifetime.

Thy both were parts of different races, on different tracks, but still whenever BICYCLEs needed he found MERCEDES around, she was always there, to support, to encourage, motivating and sometimes justing to LISTEN (The most important one).

Fifth step of friendship, Be there for your friend always...

Today just out of blue, BICYCLE thought if these are the steps of friendship, then MERCEDES has been a true friend to the BICYCLE. But what about BICYCLE, have he ever followed any of the steps…

Positive interaction- Hardly (As BICYCLE was always busy creeping about his problems rather than initiating a positive interaction)

Listening- Never (The one who always speaks, how will he ever listen)

Sacrifice- Not applicable (Bhakt sudama, bhagwan krishna ke liye kya sacrifice de sakta hai bhala)

Uplift- Out of syllabus (the one who always took the lift, when will he get the time to uplift)

So BICYCLE decided to follow the fifth step with five times more passion, energy and involvement.

Being there always- YES, YES, YES, YES, YES (five times)

What more BICYCLE can offer the MERCEDES, than being there always....

And what about the Race? its still on. Every day running around, moving ahead, setbacks, comebacks, stepping stones, mile stones...

But with a Friend there to support always, Mr. BICYCLE is still running, BICYCLE has improved its features, bought an engine, and is doing a lot better...

He is still racing ahead, when he loses energy, hope or faith, he gets up immediately says to him

The race is not yet over, because I have not yet won it.

He still prays silently to god, if he ever gets a chance to meet MERCEDES on a race track. How happy she would be to see BICYCLE winning. May be they will race together on the same track again, but they are friends, Can not compete. They can definitely be coaches. Where BICYCLE with the help of MERCEDES will motivate and transform lots ordinary, ugly, demotivated BICYCLEs to the next step.

And together they all will say,

"The Race is finally over, because we have just now won it."

End of the story

The Hungry Days...


Life can be painful, boring, bad or a combination of all of these even if you are not doing anything wrong.

Below is a story of such a man (or boy), if you have time and patience do read till the end. Otherwise not an issue at all, but pls ensures you read it at least after you get free.

**************************The story**************************

He is tired. Its already 11.30 of a Friday night, still the big bosses are on with a review meeting. He thinks how long will the meeting last? When will he get a chance to and feed his hungry belly. If its too late how will he travel back home...

Same repeated stuffs in the meeting, he is exhausted, probably he is grilled because people want him to say "OK, i give up." but he is not the one who will end as a loser. He says something, thinks something else and finally comes out of the conference room at 11.55 PM. Searches for a smoke outside, gets one and with the smoke tries to forget what happened inside and thinks what next?

In between the search for an auto rickshaw becomes difficult even in a big city as it’s already midnight. But finally he gets one, comes back to room and finds no food and not even any snacks. The hungry belly feels the pain, but by crying no one's belly gets filled up. he drinks water and goes to sleep thinking probably when he was not earning a 30k+ package life probably was not this much painful. Anyways he could not even creep much about it as next morning plans are ready for a morning activity.

At 1.30 probably he watches the time for last time and then he sleeps with hunger, anger, fear and tears fully in control of his mind, body and soul.

With the sound of alarm the rest (or the lack of it) comes to an end. Its 5.00 AM. He calls each of his subordinates, wakes them up and says meeting at 6,30 in front of the branch for morning activity.

Morning activity let me tell you, is the biggest hoax in his company. people have to gather at places like park and say good morning to others, give them a gift, collect their numbers and then contact them to sell something and they will say "NO." the classic example of activity without productivity. But still he can not challenge management. He convinces the team to be there on time. Still carrying with the hunger he reaches there 15 mins late to find only one more guy. Then again he calls others. finally with half the team they start some activity, in between his boss kept on calling him, just to check (or crosscheck) if things are happening the way they were discussed.

9.00 AM, he goes back to branch and thinks lets go and have some food, in between his boss wants to see all the data collected (and send them to check if do not call numbers are there) and he needs to do a typing of the same as the team is left to take some rest and come back refreshed. He types fast; faster at his best speed coz he is hungry. Just when he is about to finish the task, he gets a call "how long will you take, don’t send me anything, DNC people do not work on Saturday." All effort though was not in vain but the sacrifice of hunger was really wasted.

"OK let me have food", he thinks and there came two boys for an interview. He interviews them, rejects them but loses 40 more minutes. In this course it’s already 11.00 and the new joinees have arrived. Boss’s order was to train them. He just starts some topic and gets a call from his boss, "where are you". He says, "I am in branch". Next question comes, "branch me kya anda de rahe ho," which means are you laying egg in the office. "Your team is new, don’t you think you should go out and source business on your own before the team becomes stable". "OK sir", he says and gives the team some books to read and get trained on their own and thinks what next.

He plans to finish some eating and then go out with older members of his team but there were few urgent appointments set by one of his new team member which are big clients, so he thinks lets go with him and close the cases ASAP.

So, both of them start, to a distance place, reach there in an hour. As the team member is new, this guy uses his own selling skills, to sell a lot of products to the same customer. In between a call comes from his boss just to check what’s happening. He says about getting so many businesses at this place, the boss instead of being happy says, “Its so late and only one meeting, pathetic...."

Immediately follows the second appointment with the same team member, closed again. "good job”, he thinks of himself and at 3.00 PM, thinks now food is a must otherwise head-ache will just get the hell out of him.

At that time only another of his subordinates wants him to accompany him for a call. Again a new chap, he can not say no. he has to rush coz appointment is at 3.30. He reaches there on time. Convinces the customer and sells one more account for his team member. Branches these days are doing 1-2 or max three forms per day, today he alone had closed four accounts (first appointment he got two accounts from the same family). "Boss will really be happy", he thinks as he heads for his fourth appointment. What a day, this guy should have been a sales man, not a manager, he thinks as he comes out of that appointment with the fifth account of the day. The hunger for food has turned into hunger for business, but headache was not in a mood to settle. He thought its enough. Let me go and have something.

But another hot lead postponed for the day. "Let me go there" he volunteers as the day is going great for business. It’s becoming filmy now. This customer also agrees to open an account and is about to give documents when our poor chap of the story gets a call from his boss again. "Have you got the leaflets for tomorrow’s news paper insert activity" was the question. "Boss I am outside on a call, don’t know if things have reached branch or not. Once I go, I will confirm", he says with a softened tone as usual. Boss is in no mood to listen. "What the hell, you ******, do you have any ownership of the business or not. You do not even know if things have reached your branch. What the ****", boss continues. The poor boy says, "I will check it and revert" as he puts the phone down. The customer could well sense what was the conversation all about but still he agrees and opens his account too.

This could well be the best day a sales guy can have, "so many" hard to believe. This guy verifies about the courier and calls his boss to inform about the courier status and the success story of the day. It’s a super sales man's effort. He thought his boss will be full of praise this time around. He calls now. Boss says, "OK brave effort so many closures how many your team people have done on their own." "Nothing sir" comes the reply but i had done it for them only na. Boss laughs, "you are just a highly paid laborer, who the hell selected you as the manager". Reply comes, “Sir my team is new, if I do not show hard work, then how will they learn...". Boss laughs, "stop giving excuses". He wonders, "excuse???"

In the mean time the day is all set to end its journey and is anxiously waiting to welcome the night. the hungry boy gets a call from a staff in the Branch "are you coming back or we will close the branch?" he asks for 30 minutes and reaches the branch, the empty branch, where the last branch staffs leaves saying good bye". The silence inside office makes him feel even worse. he finishes some urgent official mails, some documentations, staples his and his team's visiting card on leaflets (again a laborer’s job) and wonders if he can have some food... its 24 hours now!!!

He calls his boss "sir, I am finished with all the tasks. I have given the leaflets to the vendor, not feeling very well. Its already 9.30. I am going home." Boss says, "Do not trust the vendor, and ensure you are there at 4.45 in the morning, when they put leaflets inside news paper. Otherwise they will not do it properly." "OK sir" he says and fully knowing he can not get any transport from his flat to office so early in the morning he tries to contact people who stay near by the Branch just to ensure he can stay somewhere. Sadly, no positive response. He calls his boss to inform his misery and gets the greatest motivating reply " that's not my f***ing problem". This poor chap gives a smile. Fully knowing he can not close the branch and open again, he can not even go out with the bank opened. He can not complete his food. He can not...."

He can’t help his tears....

He cries, he cries his heart out. Goes to the bathroom of bank and cries loudly. So loudly that even the security guard comes inside and says "sahab aap bahot kaam karte ho na?"

He is shocked, even what a security guard can feel can never be understood by big names in the management. Anyways it happens.

He stays in office, half sleepy, half awake...

No email access, AC as usual is gifting hot air. He thinks to call his friends, family and cry his heart out, but he chooses to be silent. Finally its 4.30. He is still alive, time to close the bank. Time to reach news paper vendor, he was there on time too, things were completed smoothly. He sips some tea and feels great. Even roadside tea is tasty. He realizes. He gets an auto at 5.30 and come back to his flat.

Prepares rice, puts water in that to make water rice, which is called pakhal in his state. Prepares some potato fries (alu bhaja). Sadly his luck is still playing games with him and the potato fries become far more salty. He accepts them gracefully, with some onion pieces and chili giving him a get company on the food plate. He is relieved and thinks when he felt like this before...

this tired man goes for a sleep, but as expected his boss calls up him on a Sunday morning to ask how is the response from paper insert, is he and his team working on the holiday, why not and stuffs like that". He listened to it all, smiled and is still alive.

*********************end of the story************************

Great na. What an amazing day he lived. What was his fault? Needless to mention you all know who the so called poor chap in the story is?

Is being too good a crime in the world, is it not answering back to people who deserve it. If the life of a man is so painful, then why I was not born as a dog.

With this type of life being a regularity now (barring the food aspect, which I have at least 6 times a week) what do you think I should do to live my life.

I want to live a life, I want to be happy again, I want to be fit again, am not I paying too much a cost for the life that I am currently leaving?

The headache is not yet over, but I thought of sharing my feelings with some of those who are closest to me. Hence sharing my frustrations...

Thanks for reading with patience.

The Last day at Kotak Mail...


This was the mail send on my last day at Kotak, 4th Feb, 2009...
Exactly in the same font, same color...

Dear All,

I wanted to take a moment to let you know that I am leaving Kotak after a stint of 1 year and 7 months and today is my last day here at Kotak Mahindra Bank, banashankari branch as sales Manager of this privileged organization .

It was my first job, and trust me the emotions attached with kotak just can’t be described, it can only be felt. It was indeed difficult to decide to move on from here.

It has been great knowing you. I have enjoyed working here and I appreciate having had the opportunity to work with you.
I would like to give a special mention to four people without which probably the journey here would not have been smoother.
First of all Thanks to Mr. Mathews Markose, My RSM. Sir you were just God to me. I just can not forget you till the end of my life. The support, drive and motivation given by you can’t just be compared.

Then My Boss Mr. Sanjay Sah, ASM. Sir people can only dream to have bosses like you. You were always there for me, during good days bad days and sincerely you are going to be missed like anything sir.

Third name I would like to tell is Mr. Anil Suryaprakash, (SDO for my branch). Anil Sir you never made us feel that branch and sales are two different entities. We learnt a lot from you, and will definitely miss such a co-operative colleague at work.

And the last name is Subhasis Maity, my Team Member. People often forget the co-operation of subordinates. Subhasis you have also given a lot of support, on and off the field. Thanks for being there.

And obviously I can’t stop thanking my sales Team, other sales managers of Bangalore and Hyderabad, My Superiors, My Branch people, people at RPC, HR and OL team. Thank you for the support, guidance and encouragement you have provided me during my time at Kotak. I’ll sincerely miss each one of you.

Do keep in touch and please find below my personal coordinates.

My personal coordinates:

Mail Id

Mobile 9986530354


one last time-

Biswanath G. P. Mohapatra
Sales Manager- Personal Banking
Kotak Mahindra Bank ltd.

No-59, Sree Complex, Grnd floor, 7th main, Banashanakari 3rd stage, Phone number-080-66957920, mob-09986259035

The race is not yet over because we have not yet won it.

Welcome to Corporate World!!!

I liked this story...

Two guys were hiking through the jungle when they spotted a tiger that looked both hungry and fast. One of the guys reached into his pack and pulled out a pair of Nike.

His friend looked at him "Do you really think those shoes are going to make you run faster than that tiger?"
"I don't have to run faster than that tiger " his friend replied. "I just have to run faster than you".
Welcome to corporate world!!!

Friday, July 4, 2008

coining the coin story


in a village there were a lot of boys. they used to play every evening. there was a small boy whose name is LOSER in the same village.

everyday when big boys played cricket LOSER became the scorer. when boys played tennis he used to be the ball boy. when boys played cards LOSER will hold the cards for them. so to be very honest every LOSER used to be treated as a loser.

moreover everyday when big boys finish their games, they invite LOSER and place two coins in front of him. one would be a two rupee coin and the other a five rupee coin. they will ask the boy which one is more valuable take that? LOSER will promptly say 2 rupee coin and will take it. big boys will laugh on it. days came and days went. the same event was on day in and day out. everyday LOSER will pick the two rupee coin and big boys will laugh at his stupidity.

one old amn watching this whole affair for some time. one day finally he got hold of LOSER and asked him, "what a loser you are? dont you know that a five rupee coin is more valuable than a two rupee coin? they are making fool of your stupidity everyday and you are falling pray to their trap. dont you realise they are making fun of you? you are a real loser man."

then come sthe reply from Mr. LOSER. "sir, i know 5 rupee coin is more valubale than 2 rupee, but the day i start collecting five rupee coin the game will be over. they give me two rupee everyday and i have collected 500 rupees as of now. if i take five coin once then it will be all over. now you tell sir who is stupid, me or they."

Mr. LOSER stops here, now it is on us to answer if he is a loser or a winner. some time the big boys of our society make fun of us and believe that they have got something great. but the reality is probably something else...
comments are most welcome.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Man, his Cow and Dog...

This is the story of a man, a cow and a dog.
we can take a lot more from the story, just go through till the end.

" Long ago, there lived a happy man. He had a cow and a dog at his home. He loved both of them a lot. The way to express the love was different. For cow the man would fed her lots of grass, will take her to river and will not tie her up. The man also showed a lot of concern for the cow, and the cow really admired it. For the dog the love was shown in a different manner. The man would take the dog to various parts of the home, he would fed the dog lots of good food, he would play with her and when the man sleeps the dog would rest on his legs. they were all living happily together until this happened.

One day the dog became ill. the ma tried a lot of medicine and techniques to cure her, but nothing happened. The man was really upset and so was the environmnet at home. Seeing all that the cow thought the man is upset coz he cant play with the dog, and hence he decided to help the man out. The cow thought lets start by playing with the man. When the man was sleeping on the bed, the cow much like the dog ran towards the man's bed (to play with him), and jumped on his legs!!!

The mans legs were broken along with the bed. The weight of the cow was too much to resist. The man felt terrible. he started beating up the cow. The cow was crying. the man was not in a mood to listen. The cow could not complain and the man could not understand the cow's feelings. He threw the cow out his house and life as well.

All of them were in pain. Dog was ill, man leg-broken, and cow severely beaten....
was any one at fault???

Dog cant help when to fall ill, Cow was just trying to help the man out, and man was just reacting the stupidity shown by the cow. Everything was genuine, reactive yet a bad ending!!!"

In life also sometimes we are caught in problem without any fault of ours, but there is one learning that we can take from the story.


Everyone loves you for a different reason. do not try to be different, even for their good, it might not be taken positively.