Friday, July 4, 2008

coining the coin story


in a village there were a lot of boys. they used to play every evening. there was a small boy whose name is LOSER in the same village.

everyday when big boys played cricket LOSER became the scorer. when boys played tennis he used to be the ball boy. when boys played cards LOSER will hold the cards for them. so to be very honest every LOSER used to be treated as a loser.

moreover everyday when big boys finish their games, they invite LOSER and place two coins in front of him. one would be a two rupee coin and the other a five rupee coin. they will ask the boy which one is more valuable take that? LOSER will promptly say 2 rupee coin and will take it. big boys will laugh on it. days came and days went. the same event was on day in and day out. everyday LOSER will pick the two rupee coin and big boys will laugh at his stupidity.

one old amn watching this whole affair for some time. one day finally he got hold of LOSER and asked him, "what a loser you are? dont you know that a five rupee coin is more valuable than a two rupee coin? they are making fool of your stupidity everyday and you are falling pray to their trap. dont you realise they are making fun of you? you are a real loser man."

then come sthe reply from Mr. LOSER. "sir, i know 5 rupee coin is more valubale than 2 rupee, but the day i start collecting five rupee coin the game will be over. they give me two rupee everyday and i have collected 500 rupees as of now. if i take five coin once then it will be all over. now you tell sir who is stupid, me or they."

Mr. LOSER stops here, now it is on us to answer if he is a loser or a winner. some time the big boys of our society make fun of us and believe that they have got something great. but the reality is probably something else...
comments are most welcome.

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